The DECHEMA Corrosion Handbook represents a comprehensive collection of knowledge that is unique both in its scope as well as content. It covers corrosion data and the chemical resistance of all technically important metallic, non-metallic, inorganic and organic materials in contact with aggressive media. Furthermore, it describes methods of corrosion protection and prevention. This makes it the prime information source worldwide for the selection of materials for equipment in which corrosive media are handled or processed.
The present handbooks compile all information on the corrosion behaviour of special materials and their alloys from the 24 volumes of the corrosion handbook. This compilation is an indispensable tool for all engineers and scientists dealing with corrosion problems.
Dr. Roman Bender
Tel.: +49 69 75 64-278
Fax: +49 69 75 64-418
Tel.: +49 69 7564-396
Fax: +49 69 7564-418
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